In 2020 Dog and Bone pledged $30,000 to assist the Taungangoto community to gain access to solar and internet via satellite service and to purchase much needed materials. The community hosts two of the most important infrastructure and services on the island; the only community high school and airport. In 2022 this pledge became a reality, with our founder and director Dan McKinley travelling to the Solomon Islands to assist with stage 1 of the project. “The internet access would bring the school and communities the benefits of virtual communication and interaction, hence improving our standard of socio-economic undertaking”.
Anthony Saomatangi Community leader & project lead

The Taungangoto community is located in Bellona (Mungiki), Rennell & Bellona Province, Solomon Islands. The community hosts two of most important infrastructure/services in the island; the only community high school and airport. Bellona Island is about 100 miles, south of Guadalcanal province, where Honiara the capital of Solomon Islands is situated. Despite Bellona (Mungiki) being home to many communities there is no access to electricity, phones or internet. This limits opportunities for education, healthcare and means that access to emergency/crisis services is minimal
Through our work we will be providing critical internet access not only to Angaiho Community High School, but the attached community hub. Resulting in members of the community being able to access the internet for the first time, which is life changing for people living in one of the most remote places on earth.
Internet access will have a huge impact on all the communities on Bellona Island. Some of the benefits include:
Faster, more reliable external communications than the current VHF radio network
Virtual education opportunities
Communication between the island’s one medical clinic, two local nurse aid posts and the National Referral Hospital in the capital city, Honiara
Emergency service warnings for natural disasters
Fast and reliable communication between Bellona airfield and Honiara aviation authorities
Increased commercial opportunities through access to national and international markets

What’s next Dan will be returning to The Solomon Islands in 2023 to continue his amazing work within the community. In addition to the satellite internet service, we will also be installing a fully off grid solar system for both the school and the community service. Reliable power is a major roadblock for these communities due to the exorbitant cost of fuel.
If you’re interested in learning more about how services can assist your organisation, give us a call on (03) 9403 5700. Or alternatively, fill in your details below and we’ll get in touch with you directly.