Impact Program
Over the past 20 years we've been helping purpose-driven organisations in the not-for-profit sector maximise their technology and telco.
Last year our Impact Grants provided $129,000 of services to not-for-profits. This year we are re-launching our Impact Program to help even more.
Since it's inception, Dog and Bone has assisted many of Australia's most loved charities and well known government organisations by leveraging our expertise in projects such as IT strategy, system review/selections and telco cost reduction and management. All with the overarching goal of enabling these organisations to make the most of their technology and maximise their impact.
The tangible impact of our efforts is reflected in the remarkable figures we achieved last year, and we remain dedicated to expanding our reach and increasing the depth of our impact.
IMPACT FOR 2022/23
Each round will be offering a range of pro bono support, including in-person workshops, webinars, comprehensive resources and 1:1 support. We will also focus on providing support to eligible NFP’s in one key theme, per round, throughout the year.
Key topics we will focus on include:​​
Cost reduction​​​
Driving technology & communication efficiencies
Reducing risk with technology solutions
Improving technology decision-making
"Our Impact Program is a testament to our commitment to making a meaningful difference, and together with our NFP clients, we aspire to create a legacy of positive impact".
Matt Walton
CEO, Dog & Bone
Current Impact Round
Cyber Security Resilience
Did you know...
In light of the recent surge in cyber-security breaches throughout Australia, and the sensitive nature of the data held by NFP organisations, it has become increasingly important for organisations to implement effective strategies to keep systems and information safe. By staying proactive, organisations can help ensure the safety and security of their data amidst evolving cyber threats.
We are excited to introduce our Cyber Security Resilience Impact Round, which aims to address the evolving risk and security challenges faced by Australian NFP's, by supporting and empowering organisations to take charge of their security position.
Only 12% of organisations surveyed provide regular cyber security awareness training
Only 1 in 5 organisations have a cyber security policy that outlines how they protect themselves from threats
Only 23% of organisations reported having effective processes to manage information security risk
Providing organisations with a holistic view of their current security state, this initiative offers tailored support to enhance risk management strategies and strengthen organisational security by arming them with the knowledge needed to navigate the complex landscape of cyber security with confidence and clear, independent advice.
What we are offering
As a thank you to all of the incredible NFP organisations that apply for the Cyber Security Resilience Impact Grant, each applicant will receive a customised Cyber Security Analysis report, created by the team here at Dog & Bone. Based off responses from our cyber security assessment tool, it incorporates elements from the 5 leading industry cyber security standards and aims to provide you with actionable advice on how to improve your cyber security posture and maturity.  We will also be hosting a live webinar where our senior consultants will offer insights that could help you raise your defences and mitigate the effects of a cyber incident.
Selected applicants will also be offered a pro bono workshop with one of our consultants, who will explore the results of your report and provide further support and guidance. Finally, for the organisation where we feel we can have the biggest impact, we will be awarding a $10,000 project grant to assist in strengthening key risk areas and improving their security posture.
What is included
Cyber Security Resilience assessment tool & customised analysis report
All eligible applicants will receive access to Dog & Bone’s Cyber Security Resilience assessment tool and a customised report which combines multiple industry standards to provide you with a holistic understanding of your security position.
Cyber Security webinar with our team of experts and peers in the NFP sector
1:1 pro bono support workshop
Our team of consultants will be hosting a cyber security webinar, highlighting common standards in Australia, demonstrating risks and mitigation strategies, and discussing essential cyber security governance with a specific focus on NFP organisations.
Eligible applicants will be offered a pro bono support workshop where our consultants will explore the results of your analysis report and provide additional support, recommendations and advice on next steps.
Cyber Security Resilience project grant
We will choose a NFP organisation where we have identified significant opportunities to reduce risk, by offering a grant project including a review, recommendations and a plan to support strengthening their security in key areas.
Case study
This community-centered NFP based in regional Victoria sought assistance from Dog and Bone to conduct a high-level review of their current security position, processes and practices. Using the six key cyber security management functions, Dog and Bone identified opportunities for the client to improvement their security posture. To read more please click here.
Impact program process
Once you've applied for our Impact Program, what happens next?
Submit your application for our Cyber Security Resilience round
Attend your pro bono workshop (if applicable)​
Eligible applicants will be sent access to our self assessment tool
Register and attend our security and reducing risk webinar 
 Receive your customised Cyber Security Analysis report.
Cyber Security Resilience project grant will be awarded
Check your suitability
Our goal with the Impact Program is to provide NFP's the opportunity to access our services pro bono, enhancing their ability to make a significant impact on the communities they serve. We will be aiming to work with organisations where we can have the biggest impact
We welcome applications from all NFP's, ensuring the below criteria is met.
Organisation type
Applicants must be a registered charity, government or healthcare organisation
Technical resources
You have limited access to technical resources and expertise in the area of cyber security​
Security engagement
You are not currently undertaking a cyber security review with another organisation
Frequently asked questions
Can I apply?
If you are applying on behalf of an NFP and want to improve your security position, absolutely! Please ensure you have read through our suitability criteria. Our key theme for this round is security and reducing risk, and we're looking for organisations where our expertise can have the greatest impact.
How do I apply?
Please click here to apply.
What date do applications close?
Applications will close on Friday 26th of April, 2024.
What is the goal of this exercise?​
The goal is to help nonprofit organisations enhance their cyber security measures and resilience against digital threats, ensuring they can continue their valuable work without the disruption of cyber attacks.​
How can this project benefit our organisation?
​Benefits include a cybersecurity assessment to help you identify your strengths and areas of vulnerability, advice on implementing stronger security measures and cyber security best practices, enhancing your organisation's overall cyber resilience.​
How will applications be evaluated?
Applications will be evaluated based on qualified need, potential impact of the project on the organisation, and the organisation's commitment to implementing and maintaining cyber security practices. Priority may be given to those in high-risk sectors or serving underrepresented communities.
Are there any costs involved?
The project is entirely pro-bono, meaning there are no costs for the services provided. However, your organisation may incur your own costs related to implementing certain recommendations, depending on your current setup.​
How is the confidentiality of our data and information ensured during and after the project?​
We adhere to strict confidentiality and data protection protocols. All information shared with us will be treated with the utmost care and used solely for the purpose of this project.​
What standards does Dog & Bones cyber security analysis process leverage?
The Dog & Bone approach to improving Cyber Security consolidates key controls and recommendations from the following 5 major standards:
•Victorian Protective Data Security Standards (VPDSS)
•Australian Signals Directorate “Essential 8”
•Australian Cyber Security Centre - Cyber Security Principles
•Australian Institute of Corporate Directors - Cyber Security Principles
•National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) – Cyber Security v1.1
Apply Now
To help us best understand your services and current cyber security posture,
please complete the information below. Applications close Friday 19th of April, 2024